Rating My Life


Rating my life one post at a time….

MBA degree from pedamagudi !!

You must be wondering, where the heck is this Pedamagudi ? and why am I writing about an MBA Degree from that Place. Well, for starters Pedamagudi is the name a temple in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. I stay right behind that temple and no I am not talking about getting an MBA from the temple.

See we had a wine shop not very far from where I stay. Before you visit Room Number 40, its always advisable to visit that wine shop. About two months back, that wine shop pulled down its shutter permanently. More than the owner, guests of Room Number 40 cribbed and cried about it.

Earlier this month, right next to my lane some wise guy opened up a wine shop. So its like this. You either take the straight road from the main road to the temple, or take the first right and end up at the wine shop. Reminds me of a Poem written by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken…

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Anyway, lets not deviate from the degree we are about to get. So I was talking about the new Wine Shop.

  • Day 1 : I cross the newly opened shop and all I see is a bunch of drunkards standing around.
  • Day 2 : Cross the one day old shop and I see a crowd of men standing near the wine shop.
  • Day 3 : An old lady is selling peanuts in front of the wine shop. Her entire shop contains just a bag !
  • Day 4 : Now we have a peanuts shop, a Cigarette Shop and A wine Shop.
  • Day 5 (Probably tomorrow) : We will have a Peanut Shop, a Cigarette Shop, the Wine Shop and A place where you get say Aloo Bondas !!

So you must be like “Ok wise guy! what’s this got to do with an MBA Degree ?”. Isn’t this called Management ? Isn’t this called New Business Capture Activity? I wonder where the old lady got her MBA degree ? May be from ISB…Oh ! Wait perhaps IIM A…!!

Filed under: ISB, Life in General, MBA